Expand government assistance to private education

Expand government assistance to private education

Statement of CitizenWatch Philippines

CitizenWatch Philippines has always acknowledged the immense benefits derived from the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (GASTPE) program. Since its inception, the program has helped address overcrowding in public schools and has given necessary support to learners and educators alike.

These objectives have been realized through GASTPE initiatives like the Education Service Contracting (ESC), Teachers’ Salary Subsidy, Senior High School Voucher Program (SHSVP), and In-Service Training (INSET).

Public and private education, after all, should not compete with each other. Instead, they are partners in helping nourish the minds and character of millions of Filipino youth, from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

While public education remains the primary thrust of the government, the sector is hounded by problems and challenges that are not immediately possible to address. Private education, meanwhile, tries to fill the gaps. In its own way, it tries to work toward the same objectives even as it is funded not by taxpayers’ money but by private investments.

With newer and greater demands on educating the Filipino youth, we call on the government to expand its assistance to the private education system so it could step up to its complementary role in education. The expansion call made by the Association of Christian Schools, Colleges, and Universities deserves our full support.

Orlando O. Oxales

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