Pushing for a Green Economy

People, as consumers, want sustainability and are more conscious of the societal impacts of the goods and services they pay for.  Sustainable practices provide consumers their needs while bringing a better quality of life.   This shift in consumer choices reinforces the need for companies to commit to more responsible and sustainable business practices.

In a virtual forum organized by the Stratbase ADR Institute entitled “Moving Towards a Sustainable Future Through ESG,” representatives from the private sector and government discussed how ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) advances the country’s sustainable development. The discussion showed that by adopting ESG, many companies have recognized a new order of sustainable ecosystems that will give rise to green investments, responsible and efficient business operations, and efficient pollution management.

Consumers are now giving more value to a product’s environmental impact. More private business enterprises are responding by re-engineering their processes and continuing innovations of their products, services, and supply chains.

On the other hand, the government should likewise amplify and encourage ESG programs with supportive policies that allow business enterprises to thrive and aggressively invest with the least bureaucratic or regulatory resistance.

We at CitizenWatch Philippines call on business enterprises to embrace ESG principles in their business culture.

Likewise, we call on the government to set sound policies and frameworks conducive to doing business and an all-sectoral alignment with ESG.

The synergy of sound policy, all-of-society cooperation, and innovative technologies will foster a sustainable economic culture that will build inclusive prosperity by responsibly harnessing our natural resources, effectively controlling pollution, integrating energy-efficient infrastructures, and administered under good governance and upright social values. They must pave the way for the private sector to follow suit and emulate.

We stand with the private sector in their march towards a greener future not only for the country but for the planet.  We must all be stewards of the environment.

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