A Total Approach to Climate Change

Everyone is at risk of becoming a victim of natural disasters. Many scientific studies have ranked the Philippines in the top 10 natural disaster-prone countries in the world.

Despite this, the country is still largely reactive to the effects of climate change. We are hit by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and typhoons more often than most countries. Though there have been some gains, there are still so many serious gaps in preparedness, especially in the country’s vulnerable communities.

CitizenWatch Philippines believes that the private sector should be further enabled by the government to further expand its strategic interventions in mitigating the life-threatening and economic repercussions of climate change. As demonstrated by initiatives such as the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation, the national and local government, together with large corporations, can lead the way towards open in sharing critical data, human and technical resources, and technologies to design integrated systems to achieve disaster adaptability and resiliency in all communities.

Climate change is very real, and the natural disasters that come with it demand that it be addressed. Sustainability and resiliency are more than just themes in forums and seminars; it is a state of readiness that we all must have before it is too late.

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