Stop the bleeding of the creatives industry

CitizenWatch Philippines implores our lawmakers to act on House Bill 799 authored by Rep. Joey Salceda. This will be the first bill for urgent reforms to the Intellectual Property Code that institutionalizes site blocking as an anti-piracy strategy. The bill would give increased protection to intellectual property owners, harness local talent and creativity, and provide consumers a safe digital environment.

The bill already enjoys wide support from stakeholders in the creative industry, telecommunication companies and internet service providers.

Indeed, we should encourage and develop, not discourage and disincentivize, the potential of the Filipino talent toward being a global creative powerhouse.

Billions of pesos are being drained from the economy because of online piracy. Thousands of creative workers and those in linked sectors are losing opportunities and getting disenfranchised when they could be part of a competitive industry of digital innovators and media creators.

The fight against online piracy is a daunting task, but it could be done in the same way South Korea developed a successful global entertainment industry, with a music market estimated at $6 billion, according to the IFPI Global Music Report.

There is no doubt that talent and excellence are two words that apply to Filipinos. Our government should protect and support them so they can reach their full potential and transform our damaged creative industry into a global powerhouse of artistic geniuses.

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