CitizenWatch calls on the government, the business sector, and all other stakeholders to take a stand and join our fight to save our private educational institutions from imminent collapse due to the ongoing pandemic and the proposed implementation of a 150% income tax increase.

Private education accounts for 9% enrollment in elementary, 22% in Secondary Education, and 45% in Senior High School enrollment of the total enrolment in K to 12, and 54% of the total enrollment in higher education. Pre-pandemic, seven regions rely on private education which caters to more than 50% in higher education student enrollment in these regions.

We call on the government to immediately suspend the implementation of the onerous provisions of BIR RR No. 5-2021. We call for measures that will support and sustain the ailing private educational sector such as student and teacher subsidy and the immediate passage of Senate Bill 2272 and House Bill 9596. Let our clamor resonate throughout the country, that our sentiments might be heard: Save our private schools!

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