Put in place safeguards to ensure greater transparency in the implementation of Bayanihan 3

As the second regular session of the 18th Congress resumed last May 17, the House Committees on Economic Affairs, on Social Services and on Ways and Means have approved a P405.6-billion Bayanihan 3 package.

While CitizenWatch Philippines lauds and supports efforts in mitigating hunger and other devastating effects brought about by the pandemic to the Filipino people, we also call for accountability and transparency on how the budget allocated for Bayanihan 1 and 2 were spent. We further call on Congress to put in place safeguards to ensure greater transparency in the implementation of Bayanihan 3.

Amid the continuous contraction of the Philippine Economy, we must ensure that no additional burden will fall on Filipino taxpayers as a result of the mishandling or misuse of public funds.

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