Move forward together with more solutions

CitizenWatch Philippines Statement


Move forward together with more solutions


The Manila Electric Company (Meralco) has explained in the hearings of the Joint Congressional Energy Commission and in the House of Representatives regarding the confusion of consumer bills for the month of May. The explanation for the amount due for May was traced to the estimated consumption during the period when meter reading was not allowed in compliance to the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) restrictions. The estimated consumption based on past electricity consumption was in compliance with the Energy Regulatory Commission policy.


Meralco has also publicly apologized in many venues on the confusion sparked by the May electric bills.


The electric distributor has also apologized for the ‘convenience fee,’ charged for customers that paid through online platforms. Meralco President said, “I sincerely apologize for this lapse. Meralco will shoulder the convenience fee charged during the aforesaid ECQ period and refund the customers the fees they paid during this period.”


In response to consumer clamor, Meralco announced a Solomonic and simple solution. Consumers will be receiving a June bill that reflects ACTUAL consumption because meter readings have already been allowed and conducted. There will be a six months installment payment for above 200 Kwh per month consumption, while consumption below 200 Kwh per month may avail of 4 monthly installments. Additionally, other measures to further lower rates such as suspension of the Guaranteed Minimum Billing Demand and the Minimum Off take Provision.


CitizenWatch Philippines welcomes these steps taken by Meralco especially in these difficult times. The lockdown has forced us out of our workplaces and has shifted our use of electricity to our homes. As consumers we expect Meralco and the power industry to continue providing stable power supply and to cooperate in further lowering the cost of electricity.


As we are able to access electricity services, we acknowledge our responsibility as consumers to reciprocate by settling our accounts in due time, just like any business transaction.


At this time of crisis, we must move forward with more solutions that are beneficial and fair to all.

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