Digital technology is for the good of every Filipino

Digital readiness may sound like a high-minded and lofty national goal, but in truth, it finds its way into every Filipino home, family, and individual.

It is the goal of every nation to harness the power of technology to power its economy, increase its global competitiveness, and to achieve higher standing in the community of nations. Because of this, governments go to great lengths to attract investments, both domestic and foreign, that would improve digital infrastructure.

In the same manner, we call on the Philippine government to establish a policy environment conducive to investments in technology. Laws such as the Public Service Act and Foreign Investment Act are good signals to send to investors.

An even better signal would be in the consistent, evenhanded implementation of laws, the removal of bureaucratic gauntlets hindering investments, earnest efforts to institute transparency and accountability in government transactions, and the engagement of the private sector and civil society in long-term collaborative endeavors.

These partnerships will also result in the upskilling of the Filipino workforce, enabling the people to move from their current skill sets and build capabilities so they could take on the demands of the future. People should be ready, willing, and able to meet the challenges of this new age.

All these would redound to the good of the economy, much battered by the pandemic and the lingering challenges we face on both the domestic and international fronts. Ultimately, however, the recovery and growth of an economy is truly measured by how well its people live and thrive.

Orlando O. Oxales
Lead Convenor

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