CitizenWatch Philippines stands firm in defense of the rights of Filipino consumers.

Since its incorporation as a non-stock, non-profit organization in 2014, CitizenWatch Philippines has dedicated itself in the service of the Filipino people by championing the rights of the consumers. CitizenWatch Philippines has actively participated in the integral process of decision-making thru policy formulation, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation of the development programs of the government.

As an advocacy group, we have taken stands on various issues such as affordable prices of electricity, greater access to healthcare, inclusive mobility in the transportation sector and lower taxes for the burdened sector of society. We do not expect everyone to agree with the positions we take, but we stand by them because we believe that the work that we do at CitizenWatch Philippines can be catalysts for positive social change, transparency and good governance.

Recently, CitizenWatch Philippines, in recognition of likely increase in the demand for energy in the Philippines on the coming years due to infrastructure developments that this administration has planned through its “Build! Build! Build!” Program, released a statement on the need for transparency and good governance in the power industry. We hailed the issuance of Executive Order No. 30 and called for the need for efficiency and transparency throughout the permit process, from LGUs, to WESM and all the way up to the DOE and ERC, since we believe that transparency can lead to lower power rates for all Filipino consumers.

But CitizenWatch Philippines’ advocacy is in no way limited to the energy sector.

We also advocate for adequate, safe and efficient public road transportation services nationwide. As such, we have consistently maintained the position of inclusive mobility of citizens. We have expressed support to innovative solutions to address the burgeoning traffic congestion problem in urban centers, while being on the look-out for proposed long-term solutions by the government and the private sector.

We have been a proponent of cheaper, accessible and affordable medicine for Filipinos. In this regard, CitizenWatch Philippines, along with other patient and consumer groups, also campaigns for an Integrated National Cancer Act which will expand efforts to effectively manage and control cancer, in all its forms, by increasing investments for its prevention, early and accurate detection, optimal treatment, and by adopting an integrated, multi-disciplinary, and patient/family centered approach.

In the realm of taxes, we are cautioning on the tax implication of the Sugar Sweetened Beverage Tax to the most affected sectors of society, namely classes C and D of the population. Moreover, we champion the lowering of income taxes for the citizens, and to offset forgone revenues for the government, not by new taxes, but by a reform in tax administration to ensure proper and efficient collection.

As long as these issues continue to beset our country, CitizenWatch Philippines will continue to fight for consumer’s rights. We will continue to stand up against powerful interests, including faceless organizations that attack from behind a veil of anonymity, whenever they curtail our right to health, safety, financial security and right to fully participate in our democratic society.

2025 © Citizen Watch Philippines. All rights Reserved.