Month: August 2021

Pass Senate Bill 2272
August 26, 2021Pass Senate Bill 2272 As schools are poised to resume classes this September, Citizen Watch Philippines lauds the passing of House Bill 9913 in the third and final reading under the House of Representatives. We strongly support the call of the education sector and most especially the linked sectors of its ecosystem in this urgent […]

Collaborative thrust for Digital Skills Readiness
August 23, 2021Collaborative thrust for Digital Skills Readiness Educational institutions need the support of the government and the private sector to address gaps in digital skills readiness. To survive and live through the pandemic, consumers must have the competence to use digital technologies effectively, safely, and responsively. More resources must be invested in people, focusing on their […]

Education for the digital economy
August 16, 2021by Orlando Oxales originally published in The Manila Standard “In a digital economy, businesses will demand workers with new skill sets that our education system must produce.” Before the pandemic, education for Filipinos was the traditional brick and mortar, laddered progression of curriculum requisites before the student finally achieved those coveted academic degrees as proof of one’s […]

Power regulators and industry must find fast and sustainable solutions
August 11, 2021The Malampaya gas field contributes Malampaya gas field contributes 27% of Luzon’s electricity requirements as the sole source of fuel for gas-fired power plants, however its remaining reserves are projected to be completely exhausted in 2027. Amid its looming depletion, Malampaya is scheduled to undergo preventive maintenance from October 2 to 22 and will be […]

Last Sona thoughts
August 2, 2021Hopefully our resilience as a people will pull us through this protracted crisis and 10 months from now when we choose our next leaders, we will have learned from all the hard lessons and not make the same mistakes.